This Boy of Mine

Look at the smile sitting on that handsome face

The way you purse your lips when deep in thought

That quiet determination as you learn to accomplish tasks with a razor-sharp focus

The tasks that interest you and get you excited about life

The smile that escapes your lips even in tough times and the strength to conquer enemies of life that came as quietly as Kawasaki did

Look at the way those pear-shaped eyes of yours glisten with tears of joy

The way they light up when that light bulb goes off in your head filled with ideas

That window into your soul that reflects your innermost exchanges of joy, sadness, strength, poise, and weakness

Those eyes, that show the promise of years to come and roadmaps of journeys made in yesteryears, still in your youth

Those eyes, so becoming of you my love, that sees through the tall Iroko trees of challenges

Look at those quickly developing shoulders my love, young in years yet the storm of life weathered to date

The strength and power shouldered in them through the years notwithstanding

The way your shoulders hunch over, seeking comfort for the pain you feel but never slumped in defeat for their strength remain

The way you handled your first dash of life abandonment but never falling cause the hands that held you up were filled with love

The way you shrugged off those bullies’ nest, never letting their seeds of doubt hatch and fester, for you knew that you owned your destiny

In your palms, lay the power to shape your future where weakness and sadness were not becoming

The way your strength is shown, through forgiveness with hopes of better times to come and the slate you wipe clean

Look at that gazelle of mine, that I see his future so bright

The quest of life being conquered in phases of Alpha’s in school, nonetheless

The courage to learn to undertake tasks unbeknownst to him and accomplishing them a check at a time

The masterpiece you create meal after meal, a budding chef yet to come

The drums of life your instruments pound, as the base sounds of success, fill the air

The swift strokes across the canvas you make, as you paint the images of determination and hope

The taps on the keyboard grow in intensity as you steadily tap your notes in a mellifluous tone, yet the strokes also lay the foundation of your web into networks and coding

The intricate words you pen on paper, gently lay a window into your soul, as each moment in time become memorialized for in them your growth is recorded

The powerful strokes you make in the pool, gliding you through and overcoming fears that once were, a stroke never to explore

Look at that boy of mine, a young man he is quickly becoming

The way he tackles his tasks with guidance and purpose

The way I see his future so bright through the lenses of his soul laid out to date

The way I see his dreams slowly being fulfilled, a long list with intent and purpose

The gentleness in his ways and the calmness of his being shape the way his attitude develops

The courage he has never to give up and the calm he brings to situations in his midst

The love in him multiplies in years, from youth to infinity and beyond, with dreams to change the world and make an impact through his healing work especially for youth just like him living in a Kawasaki world with a heart as strong as his will.

May your wishes and dreams rise forth my love as your guiding light shines through and through

May the sounds of your laughter and joy you bring to all be forever the calm your heart needs

Look at this boy of mine whose unconditional love is as pure as ever

The lessons of life I re-learn as I watch his everyday moves

The love he has for his maker, no one comes close to his Alpha and Omega as he speaks truth to life in prayer

How I love you this boy of mine who was sent to create a new path through this journey

The journey of life has just begun and in your midst, many shall feel love

Ogechi Vivian Mezu B.S,PharmD.  May 29, 2020
