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Health Benefits Of Maintaining An Active Lifestyle

Exercise is critical for survival and longevity. It's now a matter of if one wants to live and the quality of life one wants. So please exercise away the arthritis, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, cancer and all the horrible things one can chase away with exercise.  Did you know that walking 30 minutes a day for 5 days is a form of exercise? That gives you the recommended amount of exercise one needs to have to stay healthy according to the American Heart Association.  Prolonged stting leads to a load of metabolic and cardiovascular health issues and minimizing this action is crucial to minimizing its negative impact on your health and to increasing one's longevity. Get those steps in and increase your steps to 5,000 minimum or go for 10,000 steps a day. That's a form of exercise. Getting that heart rate up just from daily moderate intensity activities such as doing laundry, washing the dishes, cooking, cleaning, biking, swimming, dancing, etc.  In additi

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