You Can Never Be Diminished 💕

Your star can never be diminished unless you give one the power to do so.

You are the masterpiece of your own destiny. You alone control how one makes you feel. 

Surround yourself with love and people that lift you always. 

In his own image, we were created and so we demand nothing less for ourselves. 

Remain loved, blessed, and at peace within your soul. 

It is well. You are loved. You are God's creation. No one can ever change the treasure that God made you to be. 

Keep the light shining even when no one sees it. He sees it and you're never diminished in his holy eyes. 

Merry Christmas my loves  and with that, the light within my soul shines bright for he has willed it to be so💕

Copyright: Ogechi Mezu B.S, Pharm.D., PMP December 25th, 2020
