My Heart is Strong, My Soul is Strong

It came down so hard; so strong and unrelenting. 
I knew it would when I slowly opened the doors. Taking a peak at the unknown. Waiting patiently and ever so calmly for the storm to pass

The thunderous beating, the deafening sounds I hear, so loud; coming from all sides. There's no one out there but me. No one I thought. It was so cold, so wet as I'm plummeted with the hail storm. A storm pregnant with the unknown.

Wait! Is that a shadow? Oh! No! "Please wait," I called out. Chasing after the shadow, it quickly disappeared into the dark. It's so wet; so cold. Shivering under the cold and falling onto the hard floor. I yelled out ever so softly, "please stop."

The sounds got louder, the beat got faster, the clouds got darker and the storm rolled on swiftly, the flashes of lightening, the roars of thunder kept me moving. It's so dark, need to get to the light. 

With mindful determination and a force of will, I felt a nudge and a push and I turned searching again for the shadows,  the light, someone, anyone. I need to get out of the storm. The wind howled and the trees swayed with such ferocity I nearly crumbled. 

Walking in the fear of darkness and I refuse to wonder. I refuse to ponder. I need to get out of the storm. I need to keep moving. I pushed along as the branches fell off the trees and the birds swirled above, chipping in fright.

My heart is strong,  my soul is strong,  my body is strong and I will not give up. His presence is with me and my heart stays open. Just like that, the storm passed. The clouds retreated and the light shone ever so brightly. The rain slowed to a drizzle and the thunderous winds subsided to a soft cool breeze.

My heart is strong,  my soul is strong,  my body is strong and I will not give up for my lord is with me. He never left me, I just needed to quiet the storm and hear his soft soothing whispers.

Copyright: Ogechi Mezu B.S, Pharm.D, March 16, 2019 10:13 AM
