#BringBackOurGirls 2014 Part I

#BringBackOurGirls is a campaign so dear to our hearts.  Not just cause we're African's but because it's a situation that threatens our humanity as a whole.  We are all involved in this cause that could so easily have happened to one of our own.

This also brings to light and forces us to question the caliber of individuals put into office either through Democratic vote or forcibly through election fraud and rigging.

This forces us to finally hold accountable our leaders while in office because had this situation happened to one of them or their family members,  it would have had a completely different outcome. There would have been military personnel, the police force and the bomb squad involved.  There would have been presidential visits to the affected areas and definitely a media conference would have been conducted right away not after nearly three weeks to the kidnapping of over 200 girls in Chibok, Borno.

The inhumane acts on these beautiful girls who now face the threats of being sold to militants and having their future robbed from them should be considered an atrocity of the highest level and unfortunately pushes us all backwards in time.

More awareness and light should be made of this and next election, put the right individuals into office.

--- Copyright Dr Oge Mezu. May 8, 2014
