Birthday 🎂 Grace. Turning 40 with my twin
Thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes to us. We deeply appreciate and cherish the sentiments. As one gets older, one learns to put things in perspective. We spent our birthday with the ones that truly matter in life.
We thank God for bringing us this far and shielding us with his blood as we look forward to more rewarding experiences and
continued positive contribution to mankind in our own way.
My challenge in this next decade is to learn to truly forgive as our Father in heaven would want us to, as I wrestle with this constantly. I've come to understand that it's easier for people to say, "I love you" than it is to show it. That even though we give of ourselves, we should do so freely and with abandon and "Expect" nothing in return. Expectations are usually met with disappointments. Having none, does not equate to lowering one's standards instead it means that we learn to accept one another and become more tolerant of each other instead of fitting others into preconceived molds that we have created.
Love does not hurt and should not hurt, love should be joyful, exciting, enriching, all encompassing and most especially selfless. Love is an endless stream that comprises compassion and empathy. Love is not something I search for, it's always there to be nurtured.
Why is love so selective! A statement rather than a question. Why do we choose to love or not to love! Another statement not meant to be answered. Sometimes, the ones we hold so close and dear to us, are the ones that hurt us the most because we had expectations...we chose to fit them into our self created mold. Choose not, but Choose only to love. Love enriches and enlightens and is truly the foundation of mankind.
Love is a quest that many search for, but yet few realize that it has always been ingrained in us.
...Search not
...Seek not
...Long not
If only we knew that power has always been with us, we would not hurt, we would not seek, and we would not be sad; for we are love and love is us and so we are ONE.
Made from one breath, made from one rib, breathing one recycled air, living in one universe, living love but not cherishing, not understanding love.
So I employ you to please:
...Search not
...Seek not
...Long not
copyright Ogechi Mezu Pharm.D June 18, 2016
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