Overcoming Failure

Courage, determination and unending effort 
fuel the attitude that failure 
is only the force that drives you 
to push to reach beyond the skies. 

Failure is only truly failure if you give up or never attempt and become consumed with thoughts of regrets and what If's.
Failure is used as a learning tool to become better, learn from mistakes and to strive harder to accomplish your goals, your dreams. 

The mind is a blank canvas that you can transform to any masterpiece because you alone are the architect of that piece. 
When dust flies through and settles in specks to stain that masterpiece during your journey, it is only a reminder of the hills, the valleys and mountains you have to climb to get to the top to experience the rewards of success. 

That stain only intensifies the truly unique nature and format of that masterpiece. It adds depth to it as each speck becomes a story of strength, survival, hard work, determination and a voracious appetite for success.

Let the No's in your life be a source of fuel that catapults you to the next level. 
Let the doors shut in your face be the wings of courage and strength that carries you one step further towards the doors of success. 

I love No's, I love shut doors, I love failing for it is in doing so that one releases the limits set forth by our minds
By the negativity that surrounds us
By the forces of man and nature that threaten to hold us back. 
Failure is only a measure set by our minds 
It should not negate the effort and time put into achieving your dreams, your goals.
Your mind is a blank canvas
Make it your masterpiece. 💕

Copyright: Ogechi Mezu B.S, PharmD. February 23, 2020 10:59 AM.
