An Ode to My Maker

My love 
My love
My one and only
My soul belongs to you

I am not worthy 
You love me so
You never give up on me
You constantly surprise me
There you are; When I least expect it

My hope never fails
My trust never weans
My desire never fades
My love is unending
My quest is never futile

Can I ever repay you
Can I ever love you deeper
Can I ever seek you more
Can I ever trust you more
Can I ever feel worthy of you my love

You are my love
You are my soul
You are my heart
You are my unending
You are my forever

You love me so
You make me feel worthy
You make me trust you more
You make me see love around me
You make me see love in others

You make me want to honor you more
You make me want to show love more
You make me want to come to you over and over
You make me find peace in your being
You make me find comfort in your being
You make me find strength in your being

All because you love me so
All because you cherish me so
All because you never give up on me
All because you lift me up when I'm weak
All because you are right there beside me when there is no one

All because you smile at me and look at me lovingly
All because you love me so
All because you constantly wipe my tears
All because you hold me in your gentle embrace
All because you need me to feel your love
All because of you; I know no greater love than yours

Copyright: Dr. Ogechi Vivian Mezu Jan 14, 2020  6:54AM
