I am Nothing Without You
What am I without you
I am yours
Yours I am
Yours I want to be
You alone know my heart
What am I without you
Where I question love and its existence
I long to know you
To have you deep within me
In my soul
In my heart
What am I without you
In your home there is love
There is no disappointment
There is no shame
There is no judgement
There is no heirachy
What am I without you
I am loved in your home
Only peace exists in your home
Only love exists in your home
Only acceptance exists in your home
What am I without you
I am nothing without you
My soul weeps without you
My heart bleeds without you
My love questions without you
What am I without you
I long for you
I pine for thee
Wipe my tears dear Lord
Hear my cries, Holy one
What am I without you
In your home, one can never be lonely
In your home, there is eternal rest
In your home, your smile radiates and illuminates the soul
In your home there is forgiveness
What am I without you
Please love me
Please forgive me
Please guide me
Please embrace me
Give me these graces so that I may give them back
What am I without you.
Please let me in
I am knocking
I am crying
I am calling
What am I without you
My souls needs your forgiveness
My heart aches for your acceptance
My body longs for your embrace
My mind is ready for you
Copyright: Ogechi Mezu B.S, PharmD. November 24th, 2019 10:08AM
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